Golden Ankh Resin Statue
Golden Ankh Resin Statue
Enhance your space with this stunning Golden Ankh Resin Statue. Crafted with precision and detail, this symbol of eternal life will bring a touch of elegance and spirituality to any room. Made of high-quality resin, it is a durable and long-lasting addition to your home décor.
The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol that represents life, and is also known as "the key of life" or "the key of the Nile"
• Meaning: The ankh can represent many aspects of life, including physical life, eternal life, immortality, death, and reincarnation.
• Appearance: The ankh is a T-shaped symbol with a teardrop-shaped loop at the top. The hoop represents the sun, the horizontal bar represents the horizon, and the vertical bar represents the sun's path.
• Use: The ankh was used in hieroglyphics, art, and artifacts. It was often depicted in the hands of Egyptian deities, such as Osiris, Isis, and Ra, and was sometimes given to the pharaoh. It was also traditionally placed in sarcophagi to ensure life after death.
• Adoption by other cultures: The ankh was adopted by other ancient civilizations, including those in Near Eastern art, Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and Crete. In Africa, the Meroitic Kingdom adopted the ankh to represent life. Coptic Christians adapted the ankh into the crux ansata, a variant of the Christian cross.